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It is the best way to drive traffic, improve your search engine optimization and build your brand.

What is a landing page?

The landing page is one of the common vocabulary you might be hearing in digital marketing, but you might not be much profound of what it is and why it is important. As the name says landing page is a page where you would be landing when you are redirected for clicking an ad or an email. A good landing page is that it converts a visitor to a potential customer and that’s why it is important to have your landing page attractive and simple.

Why landing page

A successful business model would cannot get accomplished without sales. In the present digital marketing era landing page is one of the effective tools for effective lead conversion.

How landing page works?

For getting a clear idea of how landing page helps in building your brand and growing your business lets go with a scenario of how a visitor us converted to a customer

Lets say you run an investment firm which provides free consultation and you get paid when they invest through your firm and you keep updating your website and blog regularly and a person is browsing for best way to invest money and he come across your blog  “how to invest money properly in share market” and he enters your blog and get to see that your firm offers free consultation even though its an advertisement he clicks and enters the landing where he gets to contact you and get a free consultation after that he give his contact information in the page and that is a clear sign that he has an interest in investing with your firm and that’s a clear lead who can be converted in to a customer. As a marketer it is very important to create a perfect landing page and make it easily available for customers.

What makes a good landing page?   

  1. Keep it straight avoid distraction. Your landing page must be focused only on a single type of audience it shouldn’t be for multiple type of customer avoid other distraction such as advertisements on your landing page
  2. Show what your company is. Display some photo of your product and trust signs provided to your company that gives trust to the customer over your brand and also make your landing page look attractive.
  3. Collect information about your customer. Even though you attract a larger crowd unless you collect the proper information regarding your customer it is of no use. The information form should not be too long it should be short so that customer also will not feel any intimidation. Just their name and email would be enough to have a follow up.
  4. Give your contact. Same as collecting your customer’s contact it is very important to display your contact if the customer wishes to contact you then this would be highly useful
  5. SPLIT TEST. Split testing is the best solution to create one of the best landing pages by comparing several versions of a landing page and finding the version with higher conversion rate. This helps to create a proper landing page with higher conversion rate.

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